Prepaid Digital Content


About Stellr India

Stellr India was established in 2014.

Key Country Statistics:

  • 1,4 billion people and one of the fastest growing economies in the world;
  • 748 million smart cell phones and 834 million internet users; and
  • lowest data costs in the world.

The uniqueness of the retail industry requires a very different approach:

  • In India, 90% of all retail trade is through the informal sector, which is represented by over 3 million general trade stores and is mainly cash based. 70% of all computer and cell phone trade is through general trade. Stellr India currently has 4 500 active general trade stores (with approximately 10 000 signed-up and technology enabled); and
  • Up market shopping malls, referred to as modern trade, account for the balance of retail trade in India. There is a total of 5035 such stores, consisting of 3 000 national retailers and 2 035 regional retailers. Stellr India has a 90% and 65% penetration of these stores, respectively.

Stellr India currently has a network of over 8 520 stores and is scaling this network rapidly. Digital channels include all major ecommerce sites, namely, Amazon, Flipkart and Snapdeal. Stellr India is also very active in the loyalty and B2B sectors.

Stellr India currently has more than 25 global and local content partners.

The Stellr India infrastructure and know-how is being used to establish networks in Bangladesh and Siri Lanka.

Physical Network Footprint

 Physical and Digital Network (Excludes General Trade)

General Trade Pictorials

Content By Sector